European meetings

What are the specific objectives of work package 5 and how do they contribute to the general objectives of the project?

The specific objectives of this WP are:

  1. Students and families get to know European institutions.
  2. Students get to know in classes what civic engagement and participation means.
  3. Produce collaborative project at participant school (Write a poem in languages worked at the project but also in the language of students at participant school).
  4. Get to know the European labor market and benefits of being European.
  5. Promoting initiatives to encourage young people (also immigrants) to participate in the democratic process and in society by organizing events to disseminate European matters.
  6. Get to know the opportunity that offers the European labor market through local and national
  7. To students and families get to know European Institutions; European labor market opportunities and civic.

The main result will be:

In the first 9 months Students work European Institutions; European labor market opportunities and civic matters.

Teachers as transversal skills or integrated in a subject will promote the knowledge of students on European Institutions: participation, civic engagement… The classes will be active and students be actors of the learning process.

Ensure an active engagement with a diverse youth population such as those from re-mote/rural areas, with a migrant background, and/or from disadvantaged social backgrounds already by participating in all project phases. An European vision of the labor market will also be worked on, focused on the mobility tools provided by the EURES network for jobseekers, and taking advantage of the best practices.


In the classes, students will work on:

  • Educating in participation: building citizenship.
  • Citizen skills
  • Migratory movements and flows
  • Digital skill to get social inclusion
  • European Institutions
  • European Labor market opportunities

Meeting IES Urbano Lugris and Liceo Statale delle Scienze Umane Albertina Sanvitale, 05 jun


AEM Democracy in Action, 31_May


Below is a link to the presentation made on Canva summarising the experience developed by Agrupamento de Escolas Monserrate in the context of WP5 of the AWKE project, related to students’ knowledge of the functioning of the European Parliament through practical experience.



AEM Democracia em Ação

O que é Democracia e para ti?

Fthia in Action, 24_May


AEM - Urbano Lugrís - PICE Virtual Meeting, Connecting Horizons, 23_May



Teaser Virtual meeting AEM – IES Urbano Lugris – PICE


Virtual meeting AEM – IES Urbano Lugris – PICE

AEM World Cafe, 18_Apr



Ligar horizontes