Agrupamento de Escolas de Monserrate
Agrupamento de Escolas de Monserrate (AEM) is a public education organization, located in the North of Portugal, in the city of Viana do Castelo. It has an urban and suburban environment, with good accessibility, in an area with high heritage value, endowed with great scenic beauty, both maritime and mountainous.
It is made up of eight educational units: a kindergarten, five elementary schools (two with kindergarten), an elementary school for the 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic education and a secondary school.
In the AEM, it is taught students of pre-school, 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycles of basic and secondary education. The secondary education has the following scientific and humanistic courses: Science and Technology, Socio-economic Sciences, Languages and Humanities and Visual Arts; VET Courses: Multimedia, Management, Computer Equipment Management, Industrial Maintenance / Electromechanics, Mechatronics, Sociocultural Animator, Equipment Design, Environmental and Rural Tourism, Health Care Assistant and Electronics, Automation and Command and Adult Training through the Qualifica Center.
Over time, AEM has built its own identity, establishing itself as a dynamic, multicultural, inclusive and humanist school, a school that is attentive to its students and the surrounding reality, and a place for building values and knowledge, always based on the theme of our Educational Project, which is “Educating for life: training diversity and educational inclusion”.
The school group identifies itself with the European Union motto “United in diversity”, which began to be used in 2000. It should be noted that it is a reference school for hearing and visual impairment and is attached to the Viana do Castelo Local Early Intervention Team.
As partners of the AWKE Project, we will contribute progress through all phases of work and project development. We will contribute with our expertise to the project WP & Activities, like organizing collaborative projects, such as poems, songs… representative of each country. We will ensure a good coordination and communication not only in our own school, but also between all institutions partners.
We will organize the first partner meeting of this project in Portugal as an event face-to-face. We will also participate in all European meetings taking place during the project in order to develop active citizenship. The report will be done by us every six months and they will be the basis for the interim report and final project.